7  Load Duration Curves

The Load Duration Curve (LDC) is a simple method for visualizing and characterizing water quality concentrations at different flow regimes. It is supported by EPA, TCEQ and TSSWCB for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) development. The LDC is an extension of a flow duration curve (FDC). The FDC is a cumulative distribution plot with observed mean daily streamflow values on the y-axis and the proportion of time or values that exceed a given flow on the x-axis. More specifically, the FDC displays the exceedance probability \(p\) on the x-axis and the associated discharge, \(Q\), on the y-axis (Vogel and Fennessey 1994). The LDC is developed by multiplying an allowable pollutant concentration (water quality standard or screening level) by the daily streamflow volume to identify the allowable pollutant loads across flow duration intervals. Measured pollutant concentrations are added on top of the duration curve by multiplying the concentration and streamflow volume on a given day to derive an instantaneous load at a given exceedance percentile. By overlaying measured values over the duration curve, we develop some inference for what conditions pollutant concentration and loads exceed water quality thresholds.

The LDC approach is most appropriate in water bodies where there is some type of correlation between flow condition and concentration (typically rivers and streams where loading is tied to runoff and there are not strong accumulation processes). The LDC approach is typically not appropriate for lakes and estuaries. The LDC approach can be modified to account for tidal influences.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2007) provides a good introduction to and discussion on the approriate uses of LDCs that are applicable for both TMDL and WPP development.

7.1 Data

This example uses E. coli bacteria concentrations collected at SWQMIS station 12517 on Tres Palacios Creek. Streamflow data comes from the co-located USGS streamgage 08162600.

7.1.1 Water Quality

Get the data: These examples use the swqmispublicdata.txt data in the example data

We will import water quality data the same way that was covered in Chapter 6.

# install.packages("janitor")

df <- read_delim("data/swqmispublicdata.txt",
                 delim = "|",
                 # see awkward column names that have to be wrapped
                 # in between "`" (escape) marks.
                 col_types = cols_only(
                   `Segment ID` = col_character(),
                   `Station ID` = col_factor(),
                   `Station Description` = col_character(),
                   `End Date` = col_date(format = "%m/%d/%Y"),
                   `Collecting Entity` = col_character(),
                   `Monitoring Type` = col_character(),
                   `Composite Category` = col_character(),
                   `Parameter Name` = col_character(),
                   `Parameter Code` = col_character(),
                   `Value` = col_number(),
                   `RFA/Tag ID` = col_character()
                 )) |> 
  clean_names() |> 
  filter(station_id == "12517") |> 
  filter(parameter_code == "31699")

df |> glimpse()
Rows: 88
Columns: 11
$ segment_id          <chr> "1502", "1502", "1502", "1502", "1502", "1502", "1…
$ station_id          <fct> 12517, 12517, 12517, 12517, 12517, 12517, 12517, 1…
$ station_description <chr> "TRES PALACIOS CREEK AT FM 456", "TRES PALACIOS CR…
$ end_date            <date> 2001-03-14, 2000-12-20, 2001-06-21, 2002-01-10, 2…
$ collecting_entity   <chr> "TCEQ REGIONAL OFFICE", "TCEQ REGIONAL OFFICE", "T…
$ monitoring_type     <chr> "Routine - Monitoring not intentionally targeted t…
$ composite_category  <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…
$ parameter_name      <chr> "E. COLI, COLILERT, IDEXX METHOD, MPN/100ML", "E. …
$ parameter_code      <chr> "31699", "31699", "31699", "31699", "31699", "3169…
$ value               <dbl> 10.0, 85.0, 183.0, 537.0, 52.0, 74.0, 24192.0, 169…
$ rfa_tag_id          <chr> "R194283", "R194025", "R195800", "R200079", "R2013…

7.1.2 Hydrology

Streamflow data is obtained from the USGS NWIS using the dataRetrieval package. It is important to note that streamflow data might not be static. USGS might update the data at some point due to new rating curves, data quality checks, etc. We want to work off a snapshot of the data.


In a project workflow, this would be in a data download script that saves your downloaded data to a csv. Then in your analysis script, read the csv data. You can rerun the analysis script without having to re-download the data and possibly running into changes in the source data. Frequent repeated downloads might also cause server issues or your IP getting temporarily blocked or rate-limited by the NWIS server.

# This should be in a separate data download script!
Q_df <- readNWISdv(siteNumbers = "08162600",
           startDate = "2000-01-01",
           endDate = "2020-12-31",
           parameterCd = "00060",
           statCd = "00003")
Q_df <- renameNWISColumns(Q_df) |> 

# save the data and work off the saved data
# write_csv(Q_df, "data/streamflow_0816200.csv")
# Q_df <- read_csv("data/streamflow_0816200.csv")

Q_df |> glimpse()
Rows: 7,671
Columns: 5
$ agency_cd <chr> "USGS", "USGS", "USGS", "USGS", "USGS", "USGS", "USGS", "USG…
$ site_no   <chr> "08162600", "08162600", "08162600", "08162600", "08162600", …
$ date      <date> 2000-01-01, 2000-01-02, 2000-01-03, 2000-01-04, 2000-01-05,…
$ flow      <dbl> 0.84, 3.00, 3.40, 2.60, 1.60, 3.20, 11.00, 17.00, 22.00, 18.…
$ flow_cd   <chr> "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", …

7.2 Manual Method

First we will go through a manual method for developing the FDC and LDC. I go through this becuae it is worth understanding the specific steps for developing the FDC and LDC. the ldc is available to streamline these steps, but I highly reccomend understanding the fundamentals first.

7.2.1 Flow Duration Curve

The primary step in calculating the FDC is calculating the exceedance probability for each streamflow value. Without delving into statistics, there are a surprising number of ways to accomplish this. If you have lots of streamflow values, the method you chose does not matter much (Vogel and Fennessey 1994). For manual calculations, we typically calculate the exceedance probability as the rank value of a given flow divided by the the number of streamflow values plus 1 (Morrison and Bonta 2008):

\[ p_i = \frac{i}{n+1} \] where \(p_i\) is the exceedance probability, \(i\) is the rank number of a given streamflow and \(n\) is the number of observations. \(p_i\) is also called the Weibull plotting position which is the mean of the cumulative distribution function of the \(i\)th observation (Gumbel 1958).

There are two methods for calculating this in dplyr. The first involves the direct calculation by ranking flows in descending order and dividing by length plus one. The second involves using the ppoints() function in R which returns ordered probability points for a given vector. by setting a=0 we specify that the function returns the Weibull plotting positions.

Q_df <- Q_df |> 
  select(date, flow) |> 
  arrange(flow) |> 
    ## direct calculation if you prefer
    flow_exceedance = rank(desc(flow), ties.method = "last")/(length(flow)+1),
    ## or weibull pp function, you don't need to do both!
    flow_exceedance_1 = 1-ppoints(flow, a = 0))

ggplot(Q_df) +
  geom_line(aes(flow_exceedance, flow)) +
  scale_y_log10() +
  theme_TWRI_print() +
  labs(y = "Mean Daily Flow [cfs]", x = "Proportion of Days Flow Exceeded")

The resulting FDC shows us the percent of time over the entire period of record that mean daily streamflows were exceeded. For example the above figure shows the max streamflow was around 10,000 cfs and the minimum was less than 1. Also 80% of the time, streamflows exceeded about 10 cfs.

7.2.2 Load Duration Curve

Now the FDC can be converted to an LDC by multiplying the mean daily streamflow volume by the allowable bacteria concentration. The general steps in your head should be:

  • convert mean daily discharge (cfs) to daily volume for water (cubic feet, mL, whatever);
  • multiply the measured pollutant concentration by the daily volume

This results in total mass or counts of pollutant per day.

Q_df <- Q_df |> 
  # We don't need both flow exceedance columns
  select(-c(flow_exceedance_1)) |> 
  # MPN/100mL * cubic feet/sec * mL/cubic feet * sec/day = mpn/day
  mutate(ldc = (126/100) * flow * 28316.8 * 86400)

ggplot(Q_df) +
  geom_line(aes(flow_exceedance, ldc)) +
  scale_y_log10() +
  theme_TWRI_print() +
  labs(y = "*E. coli* [MPN/day]", x = "Proportion of Days Load Exceeded") +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_markdown())

The LDC looks exactly the same as the FDC, the units on the y-axis change to pollutant load per day. The next step is to add the measured concentrations to the figure. We need to join the bacteria data to the flow data, then calculate the measured loads. In order to plot this and label the legends properly, we need to manually set some of the aesthtic values in ggplot2().

ecoli_df <- df |> 
  select(station_id, end_date, parameter_code, value)

Q_df <- Q_df |> 
  left_join(ecoli_df, by = c("date" = "end_date")) |> 
  mutate(measured_load = (value/100) * flow * 28316.8 * 86400)

ggplot(Q_df) +
  geom_line(aes(flow_exceedance, ldc,
                linetype = "Allowable Load at Geomean Criterion (126 MPN/100 mL)")) +
  geom_point(aes(flow_exceedance, measured_load,
                 shape = "Measurement Value (MPN/day)",
                 color = "Measurement Value (MPN/day)")) +
  scale_y_log10() +
  scale_shape_manual(name = "values", values = c(21)) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "values", values = c("dodgerblue4")) +
  theme_TWRI_print() +
  labs(y = "*E. coli* [MPN/day]", x = "Proportion of Days Load Exceeded") +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_markdown(),
        legend.direction = "vertical",
        legend.title = element_blank())

We can already see general trends in the LDC and bacteria data. There is clearly a higher variance and probably a higher difference in median measured load and allowable load at high flows. As flows decrease (on the right hand side of the graph), a higher proportion of measured loads appear to be below the allowable load line.

There are several ways to quantify this. The easiest to explain to the general audience is to (1) split the flows into different regimes, (2) take the geomean of the loads within the flow regime, and (3) take the difference between geomean measured load and the median allowable load. Alternatively, we could fit a log-regression, LOADEST or generalized additive model to the data to estimate load across all exceedance percentiles. The former approach is shown below:

# create a summary table
load_summary <- Q_df |> 
  # classify flow conditions based on exceedance
  mutate(flow_condition = case_when(
    flow_exceedance >= 0 & flow_exceedance < 0.1 ~ "Highest Flows",
    flow_exceedance >= 0.1 & flow_exceedance < 0.4 ~ "Moist Conditions",
    flow_exceedance >= 0.4 & flow_exceedance < 0.6 ~ "Mid-range Conditions",
    flow_exceedance >= 0.6 & flow_exceedance < 0.9 ~ "Dry Conditions",
    flow_exceedance >= 0.9 & flow_exceedance <= 1 ~ "Lowest Flows"
  )) |> 
  group_by(flow_condition) |> 
  summarize(median_flow = quantile(flow, 0.5, type = 5, 
                                   names = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE),
            median_p = round(quantile(flow_exceedance, 
                                      .5, type = 5, names = FALSE, 
                                      na.rm = TRUE), 2),
            geomean_ecoli = Gmean(value, na.rm = TRUE),
            allowable_load = median_flow * 126/100 * 28316.8 * 86400,
            geomean_load = median_flow * geomean_ecoli/100 * 28316.8 * 86400,
            reduction_needed = case_when(
              allowable_load < geomean_load ~ geomean_load - allowable_load,
              allowable_load >= geomean_load ~ 0),
            percent_reduction_needed = reduction_needed/geomean_load *100) |> 
  arrange(median_p) |> 
  mutate(flow_condition = as_factor(flow_condition))

# A tibble: 5 × 8
  flow_condition  median_flow median_p geomean_ecoli allowable_load geomean_load
  <fct>                 <dbl>    <dbl>         <dbl>          <dbl>        <dbl>
1 Highest Flows         541       0.05         459.         1.67e12      6.07e12
2 Moist Conditio…        40.7     0.25         205.         1.25e11      2.04e11
3 Mid-range Cond…        19.7     0.5           95.8        6.07e10      4.62e10
4 Dry Conditions         12.6     0.75          68.3        3.88e10      2.10e10
5 Lowest Flows            6.9     0.95         103.         2.13e10      1.74e10
# ℹ 2 more variables: reduction_needed <dbl>, percent_reduction_needed <dbl>

Now we have some summary data that includes median values for each flow regime and estimates of required reductions. The next step is to add some info to the ggplot.

# set the y-axis value for the flow-regime labels
label_max <- max(Q_df$measured_load, na.rm = TRUE) + 
  (0.5 * max(Q_df$measured_load, na.rm = TRUE))

ggplot(Q_df) +
  ## add some lines to indicate flow regimes
  geom_vline(xintercept = c(.10, .40, .60, .90), color = "#cccccc") +
  ## add ldc line
  geom_line(aes(flow_exceedance, ldc,
                linetype = "Allowable Load at Geomean Criterion (126 MPN/100 mL)")) +
  ## add measured loads
  geom_point(aes(flow_exceedance, measured_load,
                 shape = "Measurement Value (MPN/day)",
                 color = "Measurement Value (MPN/day)")) +
  ## add summarized measured loads
  geom_point(data = load_summary, aes(median_p, geomean_load,
                                      shape = "Exisiting Geomean Load (MPN/day)",
                                      color = "Exisiting Geomean Load (MPN/day)")) +
  ## log10 y-axis
  scale_y_log10() +
  ## shrink the ends of the x-axis a little bit
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.005,0.005)) +
  ## manually set the shapes for the point aesthetics
  scale_shape_manual(name = "values", values = c(12, 21)) +
  ## manually set the shapes for the color aesthetic
  scale_color_manual(name = "values", values = c("red", "dodgerblue4")) +
  ## I like this tick marks that indicate a log transformed scale
  annotation_logticks(sides = "l", color = "#cccccc") +
  ## add some labels to the flow-regimes
  annotate("text", x = .05, y = label_max, 
           label = "High\nflows", hjust = 0.5, size = 3, 
           family = "OpenSansCondensed_TWRI", lineheight = 1) +
  annotate("text", x = .25, y = label_max, 
           label = "Moist\nconditions", hjust = 0.5, size = 3, 
           family = "OpenSansCondensed_TWRI", lineheight = 1) +
  annotate("text", x = .50, y = label_max, 
           label = "Mid-range\nflows", hjust = 0.5, size = 3, 
           family = "OpenSansCondensed_TWRI", lineheight = 1) +
  annotate("text", x = .75, y = label_max, 
           label = "Dry\nconditions", hjust = 0.5, size = 3, 
           family = "OpenSansCondensed_TWRI", lineheight = 1) +
  annotate("text", x = .95, y = label_max, 
           label = "Low\nflows", hjust = 0.5, size = 3, 
           family = "OpenSansCondensed_TWRI", lineheight = 1) +
  ## labels
  labs(y = "*E. coli* [MPN/day]", x = "Proportion of Days Load Exceeded") +
  ## general theme
  theme_TWRI_print() +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_markdown(),
        legend.direction = "vertical",
        legend.title = element_blank())

7.3 ldc Package

Some of the steps described above cna be skipped by using the ldc package. The package includes functions for period of record LDCs and annualized LDCs which are not covered here. One important functionality introduced with the package is the use of units.

# install.packages("ldc", 
#                  repos = c(txwri = 'https://txwri.r-universe.dev', 
#                            CRAN = 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))


## ldc uses the unit package to facilitate unit conversions
## we need to make the cfu unit first, since it isn't included 
## in the units package

## get a new clean dataframe with column of Date, flows, and E. coli
Q_df <- readNWISdv(siteNumbers = "08162600",
           startDate = "2000-01-01",
           endDate = "2020-12-31",
           parameterCd = "00060",
           statCd = "00003") |> 
  renameNWISColumns(Q_df) |> 
  clean_names() |> 
  left_join(ecoli_df, by = c("date" = "end_date")) |> 
  ## attach a unit to streamflow
  mutate(flow = set_units(flow, "ft^3/s"),
         value = set_units(value, "MPN/100mL"))

Q_df |> glimpse()
Rows: 7,671
Columns: 8
$ agency_cd      <chr> "USGS", "USGS", "USGS", "USGS", "USGS", "USGS", "USGS",…
$ site_no        <chr> "08162600", "08162600", "08162600", "08162600", "081626…
$ date           <date> 2000-01-01, 2000-01-02, 2000-01-03, 2000-01-04, 2000-0…
$ flow           [ft^3/s] 0.84 [ft^3/s], 3.00 [ft^3/s], 3.40 [ft^3/s], 2.60 [f…
$ flow_cd        <chr> "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", …
$ station_id     <fct> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,…
$ parameter_code <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,…
$ value          [MPN/100mL] NA [MPN/100mL], NA [MPN/100mL], NA [MPN/100mL], N…

With the dataframe setup, the calc_ldc() function will generate a exceedance probabilities and flow regime categories:

## specify the allowable concentration
allowable_concentration <- 126
## set the units
units(allowable_concentration) <- "MPN/100mL"

df_ldc <- calc_ldc(Q_df, 
                   Q = flow, 
                   C = value, 
                   allowable_concentration = allowable_concentration,
                   breaks = c(1, 0.9, 0.6, 0.4, 0.1, 0),
                   labels = c("Highest Flows", 
                              "Moist Conditions",
                              "Mid-range Flows",
                              "Dry Conditions",
                              "Low Flows"))
# A tibble: 7,671 × 13
   agency_cd site_no  date          flow flow_cd station_id parameter_code value
   <chr>     <chr>    <date>     [ft^3/… <chr>   <fct>      <chr>          [MPN…
 1 USGS      08162600 2000-08-18    0.22 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 2 USGS      08162600 2000-03-07    0.42 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 3 USGS      08162600 2000-03-06    0.6  A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 4 USGS      08162600 2000-08-22    0.75 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 5 USGS      08162600 2000-03-08    0.78 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 6 USGS      08162600 2000-08-17    0.78 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 7 USGS      08162600 2000-09-11    0.8  A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 8 USGS      08162600 2000-01-01    0.84 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 9 USGS      08162600 2000-08-21    0.93 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
10 USGS      08162600 2000-03-05    1    A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
# ℹ 7,661 more rows
# ℹ 5 more variables: Daily_Flow_Volume [100mL/d], Daily_Load [MPN/d],
#   Allowable_Daily_Load [MPN/d], P_Exceedance <dbl>, Flow_Category <fct>

With the LDC information calculated, the summary table can be generated with summ_ldc():

df_sum <- summ_ldc(df_ldc, 
                   Q = flow, 
                   C = value, 
                   Exceedance = P_Exceedance,
                   groups = Flow_Category,
                   method = "geomean")
# A tibble: 5 × 6
  Flow_Category    Median_Flow Median_P   Geomean_C Median_Daily_Flow_Volume
  <fct>               [ft^3/s]    <dbl> [MPN/100mL]                [100mL/d]
1 Highest Flows          541     0.0501       459.              13235973701.
2 Moist Conditions        40.7   0.25         205.                995756247.
3 Mid-range Flows         19.7   0.5           95.8               481975382.
4 Dry Conditions          12.6   0.75          68.3               308268519.
5 Low Flows                6.9   0.950        103.                168813713.
# ℹ 1 more variable: Median_Flow_Load [MPN/d]

With the summary table we can finally plot the LDC:

         label_nudge_y = log10(1000)) +
  labs(y = "*E. coli* [MPN/day]") +
  scale_y_log10() +
  theme_TWRI_print() +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_markdown(),
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.direction = "vertical")

We get the same outputs as the manual method with far fewer functions and less change for copy/paste errors. Another advantage of using ldc is the ability to change units on the fly without digging into a formula.

For example, the summary table shows median daily flow volume as 100ml/day. That isn’t an inuitive unit. Let’s report in million gallons per day instead by using the set_units() function:

df_sum <- df_sum |> 
  mutate(Median_Daily_Flow_Volume = set_units(Median_Daily_Flow_Volume,

# A tibble: 5 × 6
  Flow_Category    Median_Flow Median_P   Geomean_C Median_Daily_Flow_Volume
  <fct>               [ft^3/s]    <dbl> [MPN/100mL]           [1E6gallons/d]
1 Highest Flows          541     0.0501       459.                    350.  
2 Moist Conditions        40.7   0.25         205.                     26.3 
3 Mid-range Flows         19.7   0.5           95.8                    12.7 
4 Dry Conditions          12.6   0.75          68.3                     8.14
5 Low Flows                6.9   0.950        103.                      4.46
# ℹ 1 more variable: Median_Flow_Load [MPN/d]

Often we report bacteria loads as million or billion counts per day:

df_sum <- df_sum |> 
  mutate(Median_Flow_Load = set_units(Median_Flow_Load,

# A tibble: 5 × 6
  Flow_Category    Median_Flow Median_P   Geomean_C Median_Daily_Flow_Volume
  <fct>               [ft^3/s]    <dbl> [MPN/100mL]           [1E6gallons/d]
1 Highest Flows          541     0.0501       459.                    350.  
2 Moist Conditions        40.7   0.25         205.                     26.3 
3 Mid-range Flows         19.7   0.5           95.8                    12.7 
4 Dry Conditions          12.6   0.75          68.3                     8.14
5 Low Flows                6.9   0.950        103.                      4.46
# ℹ 1 more variable: Median_Flow_Load [1E9MPN/d]

Update units in df_ldc also:

df_ldc <- df_ldc |> 
  mutate(Daily_Load = set_units(Daily_Load, 
         Allowable_Daily_Load = set_units(Allowable_Daily_Load, 
# A tibble: 7,671 × 13
   agency_cd site_no  date          flow flow_cd station_id parameter_code value
   <chr>     <chr>    <date>     [ft^3/… <chr>   <fct>      <chr>          [MPN…
 1 USGS      08162600 2000-08-18    0.22 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 2 USGS      08162600 2000-03-07    0.42 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 3 USGS      08162600 2000-03-06    0.6  A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 4 USGS      08162600 2000-08-22    0.75 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 5 USGS      08162600 2000-03-08    0.78 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 6 USGS      08162600 2000-08-17    0.78 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 7 USGS      08162600 2000-09-11    0.8  A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 8 USGS      08162600 2000-01-01    0.84 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
 9 USGS      08162600 2000-08-21    0.93 A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
10 USGS      08162600 2000-03-05    1    A       <NA>       <NA>              NA
# ℹ 7,661 more rows
# ℹ 5 more variables: Daily_Flow_Volume [100mL/d], Daily_Load [1E9MPN/d],
#   Allowable_Daily_Load [1E9MPN/d], P_Exceedance <dbl>, Flow_Category <fct>

Now the updated units can be plotted on the LDC again:

         label_nudge_y = log10(1000)) +
  labs(y = "*E. coli* [Billion MPN/day]") +
  ## make our labels more reader friendly
  scale_y_log10(labels = scales::comma) +
  theme_TWRI_print() +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_markdown(),
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.direction = "vertical")